The best disaster recovery suite on the market.
Emergencies in your facility can be devastating resulting in reduced patient care and attention. With GreyMAR's emergency suite of tools, you can significantly reduce chaos during any type of emergency or evacuation.
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Trusted by over 600+ providers including

Share critical information fast
GreyMAR’s cutting-edge technology will allow you send critical patient information to their next location during an evacuation.
Have questions? → Schedule demo ↗Some of our features in our emergency suite
emergency wristbands
Track patients during evacuations
Utilizing cutting-edge wristband technology, you can track your patients whereabout during evacuations as well as share critical information with other providers.
Track patients completely offline
Securely share medical records
PointClickCare Integration
Share facesheets
Share medications
Requires no apps or installation
Fast and easy to use
Hosted with High-Availability

On demand KARDEX and Facesheets
In the event of an emergency, GreyMAR's powerful EHR integrations generate a multitude of forms with your pre-filled patient data. Trust GreyMAR during any outage.
Bulk or single printing
EHR Synchronization
Historical Data Tracking
Available from any device
Reliable & Secure Platform
Pre-Filled with Patient Data
Replicated from PointClickCare
Audit Logs of Access
Fast & Easy to Access
“GreyMAR changed how we connect with families”

Why GreyMAR
A disaster recovery platform that brings it all together
Updates everyday
Daily updates ensure our customers have the cutting-edge features they need to efficiently manage operations.
GreyMAR is hosted on a world class infrastructure with multi-region high availability (MRHA) nodes across the globe.
Built with security in mind, GreyMAR has a multitude of active certifications for it's datacenter locations.
Human support
Dedicated world class support that is here to help you tackle any of your endeavors.
Start protecting your patients today.
Supercharge your disaster recovery. Start using GreyMAR today.
Rated #1 in the industry, the best operators trust GreyMAR as their software tool of choice. Experience GreyMAR today.
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